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Teacher Dashboard (NEW)

Learn everything you need to know about the Teacher Dashboard

Andrea Sovilj avatar
Written by Andrea Sovilj
Updated over a year ago

The Dashboard gives you a quick overview of the most important information in your class. The information you see on this page refers to the class that you selected from the menu.

Side menu

This menu offers the list of functionalities and settings on the platform. Here you will find all the settings necessary to set up your class, invite users, set up tests and assignments, prerequisites, post messages, and manage many more settings.

Average score

Overall average score shows how well your students did on all of the exercises on the platform. Use the filter to choose the time period: 7 days, 14 days or 1 month.

Class statistics

Class statistics will show you the numbers for your class: number of students, groups, tests and assignments.


This section will show you the total number of assignments (in the bubble next to the title) and the three assignments. If an assignment is active it will be marked with the green "Active" sticker, which makes it easy to see which assignments are still running.


This section will show you the total number of tests (in the bubble next to the title) and the three tests. If a tests is active it will be marked with the green "Active" sticker, which makes it easy to see which tests are actively running.

Quick actions

Here are shortcuts to some of the most used functionalities on the platform. These don't cover all the options and you can find more settings under the side menu.

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