Evaluation type: eval R
Evaluation type: eval eq exact
Evaluation type: eval eq numeric
Evaluation type: eval interval
Evaluation type: eval lin eqs & fb lin eqs
Evaluation type: default incorrect
Evaluation type: contains variable in symbol
Evaluation type: contains symbol within
Evaluation type: fb generic
Evaluation type: fb differentiation
Evaluation type: eval param rep & fb param rep
Evaluation type: eval matrix & fb matrix
Evaluation type: eval units
Evaluation type: is not top symbol
Evaluation type: eval exact
Evaluation type: solve equation, solve inequality and fb solve (in)eq
Evaluation type: eval polynomial & fb polynomial
Evaluation type: is not fraction & is not rational
Evaluation type: eval rational function & fb rational function
Evaluation type: eval statement
Evaluation type: eval Python
Evaluation type: eval domain
Automated feedback of evaluation types
Evaluation type: eval vector rep
Evaluation type: eval numeric
Evaluation type: eval normal
Evaluation types-Table for mathematical answers
Evaluation types for text based answers
Evaluation type: significant digits and is not scientific notation