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Prepare for running a test
Prepare for running a test

Running a digital test can be quite stressful. Here are some pointers that can help you get prepared.

Max Cohen avatar
Written by Max Cohen
Updated over 2 years ago

Running a digital test can be quite stressful. Here are some pointers that can help you get prepared so that you will not run into unexpected surprises during the test.

Before you begin

  • You can schedule the test in either your running class, or you could create a new class for testing only (see here).

  • Make sure you know what exercises you want to use in your test beforehand.

Test settings

  • General and individual test settings

When scheduling a test, you must set several general settings. For an overview of all the settings, please see the article here.

You can override some of these settings per student.

To do so, go to Teacher > tab Tests and click the double arrow down in the Settings column > Click the student settings link at the bottom, or use the Student settings icon under Actions.

There, change the settings that you want to override and Search for the student(s) by name or by Group name. Then select the checkbox behind the student or on top to select all and save.

If you want to undo this, then Search and select the student and click Remove.
Read more about it here.

  • Create a test for a group

Under Teacher -> tab Groups you can create groups of students.

Optionally, you can let the self-register to these groups via access codes (first create a group, then go to Settings -> Access code -> Access code per group to get the enroll link/code per group). You can use groups in the Search of the test settings per student. This way, you can easily apply a test setting to a whole group.

  • The Settings per student and Groups come in handy if you have (a large number) of students that must get extra time to take the test.
    You can group them and assign them extra time via the student settings.

  • If you change the setting "Duration in minutes" either in the general settings, or in the student settings, it will be applied immediately to all tests in progress.

  • The start time and end time of the test determine the period within which the link to the test on the home page is active and the students can access the test.
    Once students have accessed the test, they can take as long as the duration permits them to finish the test. So after the end time passes, the test can no longer be accessed, but tests in progress can still continue.

  • We advise to only use the fullscreen option when you're running the test in the classroom, and not when students are testing from home.

  • If you use a proctoring service, you can use a password that the proctoring service only displays once the student is all set up.

  • Check the test's language settings- If the questions in the test are created in English, the students have to have their profile set to English in order to see it. If your students have their profile set to Dutch, for example, they will get a message that the test is not available in Dutch, and therefore they won't be able to do it.

Check the test

  • To check the test, you can use the student exceptions as mentioned above to open up the test for yourself and for your colleagues.

  • It's advisable to take the test yourself at least once and preferably try to score a 100%.

During the test

  • When the student's device internet connection is lost, the following message will appear. The student can just continue and the message will disappear when the connection is restored. However, it is important that the connection is restored before the student submits.

    "Your answers could not be saved because of a connection error. You can continue with the test because all the answers are stored in your browser, but they can only be submitted if you reconnect. Do not refresh your browser, or you will lose your answers."

  • When the student sees an orange question label with "incorrect input" on the overview screen, this means his answer was not inserted correctly and he must fix this, or otherwise his answer will always be evaluated as wrong.

  • When a student submits his test by accident, you cannot reopen it for the student. You can give the student an extra attempt via the student settings.

  • When a student forgets to submit his test, it will stay one in the result window. You can choose to either submit their last saved answer for them or delete the test attempt.

  • Do not change the content of exercises as an author during the test. This can cause unexpected problems.

  • You can send all students a notification. To do so, go to Teacher > tab Tests and use the Chat icon under Actions, or go to the Test results and click on tab Notification.

    Once you've posted the notification, it will be shown at the top of the screen to all students. They can dismiss the notification, but it will still be visible on their overview screen.
    If you want, you can always change or remove the notification, and the notification on the test screen of the student will be updated accordingly.

After the test

  • After the test, you can manually regrade it. Go to Teacher -> tab Tests and click the icon in the Results column (see here).

  • Here you can download the grades per test or per answer via the Download button in the top right.

  • If you have created groups in the class, you can filter on students in those groups by using the dropdown in the top right.

  • You can grade per test or per question. To grade per test, click on the score in the column of this "Result per student" table.
    To grade per question, go to the "Results per question" tab and click the exercise, and then the attempt. Once you've regraded an attempt, the original grade will be displayed within brackets behind the new grade in the "Results per question" tab. Students will only see the new grade.

  • In the "Results per question", you can also change the weight of an exercise by changing the points. All relevant tests will be re-scored to reflect the new weights if you do so.

  • In the "Advanced analytics" you can find an analysis of your test based on psychometric data (see here).

  • If you want to release the test results of one or more tests, you can go to the test "Result per student" tab. Click the "edit settings" button above the Status column.

    There, choose a new Status and either check the checkbox at the top to "Select all" or select single attempts and Save to change the release status of the submitted tests (also see here).

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