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Copy an exercise
Go to Author and search for your exercise ID. You can already copy the exercise on the overview page, by clicking on the symbol with two pages:
You can also open up the exercise (click on the pencil) and then copy it by clicking on the copy symbol in the upper right:
In the next step, you can choose an author group where you want your copy to go. You can choose only the author groups where you have full writing access (read more about author access here).
Be sure to click on "New set" if you want to copy your exercise into a different author group. If you copy the exercise by using "Add to this set", the exercise will stay within the same author group and it will be added to the same set as the original exercise:
On this screenshot, Test 1 is the original exercise, and Test 1_copy is its copy. Both of these exercises are in the same set. Learn more about sets here.
You can see if the exercise is a copy of a different exercise in the General tab, under "Exercise description". This will also be written under the copied exercise on the general overview page.
What happens to the exercise ID when you copy the exercise?
Copy a theory page
Go to the Author tab, to "Theory" and search for the theory page you wish to copy. You can already copy the theory on the overview page, by clicking on the symbol with two pages:
You can also open up the theory page (click on the pencil) and then copy it by clicking on the copy symbol in the upper right:
In the next step, choose the Chapter and the Subchapter where the theory page will belong. Click on "Copy".
The author group a theory page is inherited from the chapter it is in. So if you copy the theory page and move it to another chapter, it is now in the author group of the chapter you moved it to.
When you open the copied theory page you just created, you will see the following message: This is a reference to the theory page name (ID). Click on "Detach to edit" if you wish to make changes to the theory page. Keep in mind that this will permanently separate your copy of the theory page from the original. If any changes are made to the original theory page, they won't be reflected on your copy of that same theory page.
You won't be able to see if a theory page is a copy of another theory page. The only way to figure this out is by comparing their contents.
What happens to the theory page ID when you copy the theory page?
Copy a subchapter
To copy a subchapter, go to Author tab and then to Subchapter. Search for your chapter and copy it by using the copy icon:
You can also open the subchapter (click on the pencil icon) and then copy it:
In the next step, you will be asked to select the chapter where the copied subchapter will go to. You can choose from the chapters that you have writing access to.
Select which items you wish to copy from your chapter. Allow some time for the copy to be made, especially if you are copying bigger subchapters. If you refresh the page or close it before the copying is done, you might lose some of the materials.
To see the copy of the subchapter you just created, go to Author, Subchapter and look for the name of the subchapter you copied. The name will be the same as the original chapter name, but it will have a new ID. Packages and theory pages inside of the subchapter will also have new IDs, but exercises will keep their original IDs. This means that you won't have your own copy of the exercise, but a reference to the original exercise. Keep this in mind when copying materials: if you want to make changes to exercises you will need to create your own copies, in cases where you don't have editing authoring rights to the original exercise.
What happens to the IDs when you copy a subchapter?
Copy a chapter
Copying a chapter works very similarly to copying a subchapter, with one difference: instead of choosing the chapter it will belong to, you can choose which author group the copied chapter will belong to.
The new chapter you created will have a new ID. Subchapters, packages and theory pages inside of the chapter will also have new IDs, but exercises will keep their original IDs. This means that you won't have your own copy of the exercise, but a reference to the original exercise. Keep this in mind when copying materials: if you want to make changes to exercises you will need to create your own copies, in cases where you don't have editing authoring rights to the original exercise.
What happens to the IDs when you copy a chapter?
Copy a course
It's not possible to copy a course. Instead, we give Authors access to author groups. That way they can see all the materials within an author group. Learn more about different author access here.