❗Only Moodle Administrators can complete the integration of Sowiso into Moodle version 1.3.
General LTI - IMS & Sowiso
Sowiso has IMS Learning Tools Interoperability to connect to your Learning Management System (LMS), like Canvas, Brightspace or Moodle. The LTI connection will let you sign in automatically without having to insert a username and password again. Those are synchronised with the LMS.
When setting up Sowiso as an external source in the LMS, you must share with Sowiso the e-mail and name of the users.
What information do I need for the Moodle integration?
In order to connect using LTI 1.3, you need a:
url: use the url of Sowiso + /lti
Like this: https://cloud.sowiso.nl/lti
Public key: type key be either Keyset URL or RSA. For the Keyset URL, you can use the same url as above and then append /jwks, like https://cloud.sowiso.nl/lti/jwks
For the RSA key, please contact us by sending an e-mail (support@sowiso.com).Login URL: use the same url as above and then append /login, so https://cloud.sowiso.nl/lti/login
Redirection URI: use the same url as above and then append /launch, so https://cloud.sowiso.nl/lti/launch
Then you need to share with us your
Platform ID
Client ID
Deployment ID
Public keyset URL
Access token URL
Authentication request URL
Setting up the integration between Sowiso and Moodle using LTI 1.3 Step-by-step
Step 1: Go to Site Administration
Step 2: Go to Plugins
Step 3: Go to External tool-Manage tools
Step 4: Configure tool manually
Step 5: Fill in the required fields
Tool name: Sowiso
Tool URL: https://cloud.sowiso.nl/lti
LTI version: 1.3
Public key type: Keyset URL
Public keyset: https://cloud.sowiso.nl/lti/jwks
Initiate login URL: https://cloud.sowiso.nl/lti/login
Redirection URL(s): https://cloud.sowiso.nl/lti/launch
Under "Custom parameters" you can add a custom parameter with an access code to a specific Sowiso class: accesscode=class_access_code
Class access code can be found on Sowiso, under class Settings-Access code.
If you don't wish to use custom parameters to enroll your students into the specific class, you can use the "Automatic access via LTI feature". Read more about it here.
Click on "Save changes".
Step 6: Send information to Sowiso
When you now go to Site administration-Plugins-Manage tools, at the bottom of the page you will see "Sowiso". Click on the menu.
New window will open with Tool configuration details. Please mail these to support@sowiso.com.
Go to phase 2 when Sowiso has confirmed that we have added the configuration details on our side.
Step 1: Find the page where you want to add Sowiso
Go to Home, or to your Course, depending on where you want to add Sowiso.
Step 2: Add an activity or resource
Click on "Add an activity or resource".
Step 3: Choose Sowiso
Click on "Sowiso" under All.
Step 4: Add name and save
Fill in the activity name (Sowiso) and click "Save and display" on the bottom of the screen.
When you click on "Open in new window" Sowiso will open up.
How to edit the grade pushback settings
Please visit this article.
What's different with the new LTI 1.3 version?
We have improved the grade pushback functionality. Students' results (package progress and test result) can be updated (if a student does the same test twice, the new result will overwrite the old one in the LMS). This needs to be enabled in the LMS.
It provides a more secure connection between the LMS and the tool (Sowiso platform).