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Create an exam (as an Author)
Create an exam (as an Author)

Learn everything you need to know about creating an exam, as an Author.

Andrea Sovilj avatar
Written by Andrea Sovilj
Updated over a week ago

When scheduling a test (as a Teacher) you can choose the source of the questions. One of these sources is an exam.

An exam is a selection of exercises that an Author can prepare for Teachers to use in their classes.

To make a new exam, navigate to “Author -> Exam” and click the blue button below “New”.

You will arrive at the screen below where you can specify various options.

  • Author group: Just like any content in Sowiso, exams are linked to Author groups. Only people with access to this Author group can view the exam.

  • Name: The internal name for your exam. This will not be visible to students only teachers and authors can see this.

  • Status: Published / unpublished.

  • Copy package (optional): If you simply want to copy an existing package to turn it into an exam you can specify that package here. If you select: “also copy exercises and not just the references to them” you will copy each individual exercise in that package and changes to the original will not affect this exam.

Once you have chosen the options that suit you best you arrive at the following screen. On this screen, there are various ways to add exercises to your exam. You can create new exercises from here. You can search exercises by name (or ID), and you can add them using the “+” button.

The final step you need to do is specify which classes are allowed to use this new exam. You can only add classes that you have access to.

Now any Teacher in that class can schedule a test. Select “Source -> Exam” and the exam will show up in the next tab.

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