About assignments
Assignments let you schedule homework based on course material. You can set a due date and a passing score on a selection of the course material as an assignment. Assignments can be assigned to all students in the class, to one or more groups of students or to individual students.
Create assignments
You can create new assignments for your class by going to "Teacher", and then "Assignments". Click on the "New Assignment" button.
In the first step, you can choose the settings for your assignment:
Name: defines the Assignment's name and is required to create an assignment
Start Date: the date when students will be able to start the assignment. This is an optional field and if left blank, students will be able to access the assignment once it is published. Any score or progress made by students on exercises included in the assignment prior to the start date will still count towards the assignment score even if the start date has not been reached.
Due Date: the date when students must finish the assignment. This is a required field and the date entered must be later than the current date.
Timezone: the timezone for the due date and start date times. This is set to your local timezone by default but can be changed.
Passing Score: what score is required for students to complete the assignment. The score is calculated as a student's score on the exercises in the assignment multiplied by the student's progress. For more details on how assignment scoring works see the article about how assignments scores are calculated.
Make Assignment Available: this controls whether the assignment is visible to the students assigned. By default assignments will be published to students once they are created unless you toggle this setting.
Here you can also select the content that will be included in the assignment. You can include both theory pages and exercise pages. You can select content at the chapter level or you can expand the chapters to select subchapters or individual packages of exercises and theory pages. To expand the chapter, click on the arrow sign. To create an assignment you are required to select at least one package of exercises or theory page.
Once you are done with your settings, click on "Next" on the bottom of the page:
In the next step, you can choose the students or the groups of students who will do the assignment. By default, the entire class is selected.
Once you are done, click on "Finish" on the bottom of the page:
The assignment will now be listed in the table of assignments you have created for your class. If the assignment is available to students then you will see a green check in the available column. Clicking the green checkmark will change the assignment to unpublished and show a red cross in the available column.
How it looks for students
When an assignment is published, students will see the assignment on the right-hand side of their home page under the label "Assignments". If a published assignment has a start date set for a future date, then the assignment will show as greyed out to the students until the start date is reached. Students can start the assignments and see their progress per assignment.
Change the order of assignments
The order of assignments can be changed by dragging the assignment into the desired order. The order the assignments are set in your assignments page will be the order students will see them on their home page.
Edit an assignment
To edit an existing assignment, you can click on the assignment's name or on the orange pencil at actions. This will take you to a page similar to the Create Assignment page where you can change any of the options for the assignment.
Analyze assignments
In the reporting environment, a new tab Assignments will give you an overview of the progress per assignment for all students. When the due date is reached, the scores the students have on their assignments at that moment will be fixed.
Schedule the same assignment again for one/a group of students
It could happen that one or a few of your students didn't do the assignment, or that they want to do it again. The best way to do this is to copy your assignment, and then schedule it for only that one student/group of students.
Go to the "Teacher" tab, "Assignments", and click on the blue copy symbol to copy the assignment.
A new assignment will show up, with the same name as the original one and the word "copy" added. It will automatically be set to "unavailable" so make sure to make it available when you are ready.
Click on the yellow pencil of the new assignment to edit it.
You can now assign the new assignment to one or more students, a group of students or to the whole class.