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Manage content in a class (NEW) (🎥with video)
Manage content in a class (NEW) (🎥with video)

Learn how you can manage your course material

Andrea Sovilj avatar
Written by Andrea Sovilj
Updated over a week ago

Adding chapters to your class

Make sure you are in the correct class. You can always switch between classes on the Dashboard.

On the Dashboard, in the upper left corner, click on "Course Material" and then on "Manage".

On the left side of the screen, you will see all the material that is already added to your class. On the right side is all the material that is available for you to use.

Add content to your class

Importing chapters from another class

To import materials from another class, go to the upper right corner and click on: Import chapters from another class.

Select a class from the menu and click save if you are sure that you wish to overwrite any other chapters that are already in your class.

Creating your course manually

Click on the arrow symbol next to the name of the unit to expand it. Then, click on the green plus symbol to add the material.

Once the chapter is added, it will appear grayed out on the right side of your screen.

Edit the course structure

In the left column, you can expand each chapter to see the detailed structure, which consists of subchapters, theory pages and exercise packages, and the specific exercises each exercise package consists of.

The exercise package can be further expanded to show individual exercises:

Once the material is added to the current class, you can rename it, remove it, hide it, or lock it. To rename a chapter/subchapter/theory page or an exercise package, click on the pencil icon.

To remove, hide, or lock a piece of content, click on the three dots next to it.

It's also possible to hide individual exercises. You might want to do this if you intend to save some of the exercises and use them for the end of the year exam.

Watch an example:

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