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Score and progress calculation

Everything you need to know about how scores and progress are calculated

Andrea Sovilj avatar
Written by Andrea Sovilj
Updated over a year ago


Progress: an exercise is finished when either the correct answer is given, or when the solution is asked.

Score: each attempt starts with 100%. For every wrong answer 20% is deducted. When a solution is asked the score is 0%. We do not deduct points for hints. The score we show is the highest score of all finished attempts on an exercise.


If a student has finished an exercise three times, with scores 0%, 60% and 80%, then the mastery score is 80%.

In this exercise, the student made a mistake in their first answer. After getting negative feedback, student solves the exercise. The first wrong answer costs student 20% of the score, so the final score of this exercise is 80%.

If the student does the exercise again, and solves it correctly without any mistakes, the score becomes 100%.

Where can I see the exercise score?

Exercise score can be found under Report tab. Click on the Chapter results, then Subchapter, Package level, and you will arrive to the results on the exercise level.

Hover over the exercise link, and you will see the Score and the Duration of the exercise.


Progress: the progress of a package is the number of exercises that are finished relative to the total number of exercises in a package.


When a student finished 2/10 exercises in a package, their progress is 20%

Score: The score per package is the average of all the highest scores per exercise that have at least one attempt.

Where can I see the package score and progress?

Go to the Report tab, click on the results on the Chapter level, then on Subchapter level, and you will come to the overview of results per package. Hover over the result per package and you will see the score and progress.


Progress: the progress of a subchapter is the number of packages that are finished relative to the total number of packages in a subchapter.


When a subchapter has 10 packages and a student finished one package and has a progress of 50% on another, his subchapter progress is 15%

Score: the score of a subchapter is the average of the scores of all packages in that subchapter that have at least one attempt.


When a subchapter has 10 packages and a student has attempted two packages with a score of 60% and 80%, his subchapter score is 70%

Where can I see the subchapter score and progress?

Go to the Report tab, click on the results on the Chapter level, and next you will see the results on the Subchapter level. Hover over the Subchapter results and you will see the score and the progress.


Progress: the progress of a Chapter is the average of the progress of all Subchapters in that chapter.


When a chapter has 10 subchapters and a student finished one subchapter and has a progress of 50% on another, his chapter progress is 15%

Score: the score of a Chapter is the average of the scores of all Subchapters in that Chapter that have at least one attempt.


When a chapter has 10 subchapters and a student has attempted two subchapters with a score of 60% and 80%, his chapter score is 70%

Where can I see the Chapter score and progress?

Go to the Report tab. The results you see here are shown per Chapter. Hover over the Chapter result and you will see score and progress.

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