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Buttons in the reporting environment (🎥with video)
Buttons in the reporting environment (🎥with video)

All the buttons in the reporting environment explained

Andrea Sovilj avatar
Written by Andrea Sovilj
Updated over 10 months ago

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Our learning analytics allow Teachers to monitor the progress of their classes and identify at-risk Students. At the top of the home screen, you will find a button labelled "Report". This will bring you to the learning analytics page.

On the top right of the screen, you will see a number of icons. This is what they do:

Search button

Search for specific students. You can select multiple students. Add students to your selection using the + icon.

Time filter

Apply a time filter to only see the reporting activity on a specific day.


Download a .xls file. The contents will adapt depending on the level of detail you are currently viewing, e.g. class overview, specific chapter, specific subchapter etc.


Open up the legend to check how scores are represented by colors and length.

Below the four icons, you will see five different tabs:

Content tab

View the progress and score per chapter, per student.

Click on one of the subchapters to get further insight into students' progress.

You will then see the progress of students per package.

The final level will show you the results of each of the exercises within the selected package, and the time it took the student to solve the exercise.

Click on one exercise time stamp to see more information about the attempt. You will see exactly when the student did the exercise, what did they answer and what was the correct solution to the exercise.

Tests tab

See an overview of test results per student. This tab will include results of any tests created by the teacher, but also diagnostic tests that were computer-generated.

If you click on the test name, the system will filter out only the results from that specific test.

Click on "Review" under the Score tab to see the full test of one student.

In a new tab, you will see all their answers as well as the correct solutions. From this view, you can also grade the test. Learn how to do that in the article here.

Assignments tab

Here you can see an overview of assignments results per student. If you hover over one of the results, you will see the student's score and the required passing score.

If you click on the bubble showing the assignment result, you will see exactly what the student did:

Dashboard tab

An analytical overview of the activities and results of your entire class: overall average score, overall average progress, activity rate, activities by date, most recent packages, and average score per chapter. 

Overall average score shows how well your students did on all of the exercises on the platform so far.

Overall average progress shows you how much of the course your students have completed.

Activity rate shows how many exercises were made, and how many theory pages and slideshows were viewed. These numbers take into account all the students within the selected class.

Recent activity shows the activity of the class. You can use the time filter in the upper right to select a different time period and not just the recent activity.

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