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Manage students in a class

Learn how to add and remove students in your class

Andrea Sovilj avatar
Written by Andrea Sovilj
Updated over 3 weeks ago

There are multiple ways to add students to your classes.

Adding students one by one (note: this does not work for students who do not have an account yet! Students who do not have an account yet can register through an Access code, see later on this page).

In the Teacher environment, click on the "Users" tab.

You can use the dropdown menu at the top of this tab to select the different classes you teach.

You will see two columns. The column on the right allows you to look for students. All the students in your institution who have signed up for a Sowiso account are on this list. You can type in a name, to search for a student.

Click on it to add it to the class. You will see it is now added to the left column, which shows all the students currently in your class.

Adding students in bulk

We allow Teachers to use Access codes to send to students. When students enter this access code, they will automatically enrol in the right class. Here is how it works.

In the Teacher environment, click on the Settings tab.

Click on "Show" right from "Access code": 

We will automatically generate an Access code and a link for you to send out to students. You can generate new codes by clicking on the "New code" button. 

You can also generate access codes by group, by clicking on "Access code by group".

Access codes can be inputted in multiple ways:

For students without a Sowiso account

Send a link to your students. When students click on this link, they can create an account and they will automatically enroll in the right class

For students who already have a Sowiso account

If your students already have a Sowiso account, you only have to provide them with the Access code. They can enter this code in two places to enrol in your class:

Option 1: In their profile (top right of our black menu bar)

Option 2: Using the + add Access code link at the home screen under the list of classes they are already enrolled in.

Using SurfConext to add students

Another safe and easy way of enrolling your students is using SURFconext. To do so, go to Teacher Settings and then to Access code, as mentioned before. An additional code will appear, like this:

You can use this code to send it to your students, and they will be enrolled in the correct class automatically by clicking on it.

If you wish to use this method, please contact us as this has to be enabled on our side first.

There are multiple Access codes-which one should I use?

There are multiple ways to log into Sowiso: directly on the cloud, via SURFconext or via an LTI connection (through a Learning Management System). If your institution is letting students log in via SURFconect or an LTI, there will always also be an option to log in via the cloud. That is why the cloud option is still available, even if your institution is using a Single sign-on.

In cases where your institution has SURFconext or LTI, this Access code will be the first one you see.

If you click on the "Self-registration link" you will also see the Access code that will sign the students up on the cloud.

When the Self-registration link is expanded, you will first see a link to the cloud, followed by the link to the LTI/SURFconect registration.

Where should my students log in after they have created their accounts?

Depending on how their accounts were created, students might need to log in via cloud (, via SURFconext, or via your Learning Management System. They can visit this page on our website to find the specific information for their school.

Removing students from your class

To remove students from your class, click on the Students tab in the Teacher environment.

You might remember that the left column shows all the students currently in your class. Scroll to the student you wish to delete or use the search bar to find students in large classes. There, click on the trash icon, right of the student's name. 

The student's profile will not be deleted from the platform- only we can do that. Do you wish to delete your account? See our article here on how to do that.

Can I remove multiple/all the students from my class quickly?

It is not possible to quickly remove multiple or even all the students from your class. If you wish to start with an empty class, it's best to create a new class and copy over any materials, tests and assignments. Visit this article to learn how to do that.

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