Creating paragraphs and linebreaks
To create a paragraph, press shift+enter (in both theory and exercises). In the resulting HTML (which can be accessed by clicking the <>
button on the text editor menu), you will see that the editor inserts paragraph (p
) tags.
To create a linebreak, press enter (also both in theory and exercises).. In the resulting HTML, you will see that the editor inserts linebreak (br
) tags.
Inside LaTeX equations, you can also use linebreaks to format the source, but you can’t use paragraphs.
Too much white space after a LaTeX equation environment
If you create an exercise that includes a LaTeX environment on a separate line (using \[ … \]
), you may have noticed that you can get too much white space above and below the equation. You can solve this by pressing shift+enter instead of enter after a display equation. In the editor, this will look like there is more space, but the student will not get the extra line break.