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LTI Integration: Canvas LTI 1.1 (🎥with video)
LTI Integration: Canvas LTI 1.1 (🎥with video)

Learn how to integrate Sowiso into Canvas (using LTI 1.1)

Andrea Sovilj avatar
Written by Andrea Sovilj
Updated over a week ago

These are instructions for LTI 1.1. If you wish to use LTI 1.3, please visit the article here.

General LTI - IMS & Sowiso

Sowiso has IMS Learning Tools Interoperability to connect to your Learning Management System (LMS), like Canvas, Brightspace or Moodle. The LTI connection will let you sign in automatically without having to insert a username and password again. Those are synchronised with the LMS.

When setting up Sowiso as an external source in the LMS, you must share with Sowiso the e-mail and name of the users.

What information do I need for the Canvas integration?

In order to connect Sowiso to Canvas you will need:

  • URL

  • Consumer key and shared secret

These are unique to your institution, and you can get those from us by sending an e-mail to

Custom parameters

When creating the Sowiso resource in the LMS, we accept additional

custom parameters that you can pass. To enroll students into a specific class use this custom parameter:


You can get the class_access_code in the Teacher menu, under Settings, Access code.

Based on this example, the custom parameter would be: accesscode=hSnGEiyR

Don't want to use custom parameters to add the access code? Use "Automatic access via LTI feature" and read about it here.

Other custom parameters you could use are:

Custom parameter: url=any_url_in_sowiso

This will redirect the resources to the URL provided. For instance, when you want to link to a test with id 3, you could use the URL as url=/content/confirm_test/3

Custom parameter: hidemenu=true

This will hide the top menu in the Sowiso platform. Be careful when using this, as teachers and students won't be able to switch between the tabs on the platform.

Setting up the integration between Sowiso and Canvas: Step-by-step

Step 1: Go to Admin

Step 2: Go to Settings

Step 3: Go to Apps

Step 4: Add an app (by URL)

Choose the option to add an app "By URL"

Put in the following information:

Name: Sowiso

Consumer Key: contact

Shared Secret: contact

Custom Fields: Find the short access code in your class settings and input it here in the following format: accesscode=SHORTACCESSCODE

Step 5: Add Sowiso to your module

Go to your Courses, choose the module you want to add Sowiso to, and click on the + symbol.

From the drop-down menu, choose "External tool":

Choose Sowiso and be sure to enable "Load in a new tab".

Click on "Add item".

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