
Release notes late March, for release 18.7.0

Updated over a week ago

New Features


  • to improve the accessibility of our content, we embedded text-to-speech support during practice and test. Text-to-speech can be started using the volume icon in the top right, or by selecting text and clicking the 'Listen' button that will show up.


  • a teacher can enable or disable text-to-speech support on both test and student level.

Technical notes and bug fixes


  • we fixed a bug that broke the searching in sets from the author tab sets.

  • the author history function needed a limit in query for better performance.


  • we fixed a bug where the glossary would only be applied to the first exercise in a package.


  • we now also allow students to add text when drawing molecules in notes.

  • we fixed a bug where in some cases, students would not be able to proceed in sets with main- and sub-step exercises after clicking step-by-step.


  • we fixed a bug where when zooming out, the calculator buttons would not be aligned correctly.


  • we fixed a bug in exercise type journal, where the value of the accounts were cached so that the wrong solution would show up.

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